Future Scope of Digital Marketing In India In 2022


If you're curious about the scope of digital marketing in India, this blog might be an excellent place to start! You can learn more about the growth, future, nature, employment scope, and other aspects of digital marketing in India and throughout the world. But, before we get into the importance and extent/scope of digital marketing, let's look at why organisations utilise it in the first place and also click here to buy a course on Digital Marketing- Digital Marketing Specialization Course. The marketing activity of promoting goods/services using digital means is known as digital marketing. And nowadays, practically everyone has access to the internet. The number of people who have access to the internet has expanded tremendously as a result of cheap data and affordable cellphones. Register here to prepare for the course you are interested for.

It’s easy to confuse the terms digital marketing and online marketing, in particular with the boom in Internet traffic over the past decade. However, there are distinct differences between these two terms that have implications for any marketing plan. Digital marketing is an umbrella term that covers all types of marketing that involve electronic media, and it’s been around since the invention of the radio in 1896.

Online marketing is the one subset of the digital marketing realm as a whole and includes:

·         Websites

·         Social Media

·         Mobile Marketing

·         Content Marketing

This particular subset of digital marketing is growing at an unprecedented rate. Change in the online marketing world happens quickly, and savvy marketers must stay on top of the latest trends and changes to continue to attract new customers and retain current customers.

Table Of Contents-

1. Growth Of Digital Marketing

2. Future potential of digital marketing

3. Digital Marketing careers

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So, connecting the dots, if the companies want to connect with their

·         Potential customers on a global level

·         Engage with them

·         Create brand awareness

·         Sell and promote products/services at affordable prices

·         Earn higher ROI

Then they can carry out all of this through digital marketing.

{Covid Updated} Growth of Digital Marketing

In 2020 and 2021, the breadth of digital marketing has expanded dramatically. Despite the epidemic striking us for two years in a row, the growth has been nothing short of phenomenal. There is a significant shift in the trend patterns across the industry with new advancements and variants like Omicron and Delta, but digital marketing remains dominant. Furthermore, it is expected to increase much more in 2022. The quantity of individuals reached by marketing tactics is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of important indicators of marketing success. The internet's adoption rate has surpassed all expectations. Looking at India, it boasts the world's second-largest number of internet users.

By 2023, India's active internet users will total almost 666 million, with a global total of over 5.3 billion. As a result, a bigger percentage of people are moving online, and it makes perfect sense to begin promoting online. We witnessed a rise in data consumption as a result of so many people being online. In 2016, the typical user consumed 500MB to 1GB of monthly data, however in December 2020, the average user is expected to consume over 13.5GB of monthly 4G data. This number increased by 20% in 2021 as more people began to subscribe to various platforms for video consumption as well as other Internet-based dependence.

Another key consequence of Covid-19 has been the phenomenal expansion of OTT platforms, which has resulted in one of the world's fastest-growing markets and consequently the scope of digital marketing. In the last 365 days, the shutdown increased content consumption on OTT platforms from 181 billion minutes to about 204 billion minutes! Furthermore, the monthly search volume for 'digital marketing courses' was nearly 60,500 in May 2019, with a phenomenal growth rate of 49.5 percent, implying 90,500 searches in May 2020, precisely when the pandemic was at its peak. Even as you read this blog, the number of searches continues to rise!

Continue Reading about Digital Marketing-

·         4 Digital Marketing Strategies For 2022

·         Digital Marketing Channels To Adopt In 2022

·         Top Skills Required To Become A Digital Marketing Expert

·         Top Digital Marketing Online Courses - 2022

Thus, to conclude from all the growth statistics that we saw above in different digital channels strongly suggests that the growth of digital marketing is on an upward trend and has been positively impacted even after the covid-19 pandemic hitting the world.

Future Potential of Digital Marketing

As previously stated, the scope of digital marketing has been phenomenal, and the data indicate that this trend will continue in the future. Simply put, digital marketing's future appears to be bright and safe. As more chances arise, being creative, original, and up to date on the current trends will become the guiding concept for every digital marketer. The exponential growth that we have seen on the Internet in recent years, particularly after covid, is here to stay. People are adjusting to the new normal and are now extremely comfortable doing things online, whether it's shopping, ordering food, or purchasing medications.

Hence, to cater to these new-formed demands of the consumers, digital marketing is extremely essential.

In addition to this, an important aspect to consider is the future generation will be a part of the already digital world and will be accustomed to everything being online. So to be able to deliver to these future consumers, companies must make digital marketing efforts starting today.

An important takeaway from all this is that the future of careers in digital marketing/scope of digital marketing is very promising and if you have an inclination towards digital marketing, now is the time to grab this opportunity to your advantage.

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Digital Marketing Careers

The digital marketing career scope in the Indian internet industry alone is going to be worth $160 billion by 2025, according to a Goldman Sachs report, which is three times its current value. Thus, the number multiplies at least by 3x when it’s considered on a global scale. Many companies are shifting their focus from traditional marketing to digital marketing.  In terms of the job scope of digital marketing, the kind of jobs that are available in the digital marketing sector, one of the biggest jobs includes Social Media Marketing. Facebook now has 320 million active users in India — a million more than it does in the U.S. — making India the country with its largest user base. Social Media Marketers not only take care of digital ads which we see on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram but the organic posts on these social media sites as well.

Companies also hire people for jobs like Email Marketers, Bloggers, and E-commerce Experts, Marketing Automation all of which fall under the umbrella of Digital Marketing. Now that we’ve seen the growth of digital marketing over the years and what the future holds, the career scope of digital marketing and the kind of job opportunities it has to offer, a career in digital marketing is definitely a good choice.

Also Read | 10 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools In 2022

What does Digital Marketing have in store for the future?

Mobile apps are the way of the future in digital marketing. This year, mobile devices will connect 30% of the world's population to the internet. As a result, it's only natural that this technology is now more than ever utilized into marketing plans.

Before hiring a digital marketing agency, it’s important to first assess your company’s needs. Do you need help with overhauling your content, implementing some SEO changes, or redesigning the UX for your website? Then you’ll want to evaluate your company’s own marketing skills, strengths, and capabilities to determine whether an agency, and what type, can benefit your business. Do you already have an in-house team that needs some help or is all of your marketing outsourced? Once you've asked these questions, you’ll have a better idea as to whether or not working with an agency is the right choice. You’ll also know what kinds of digital marketing services your business needs.

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